Bridging Covid: Improvise, Inspire, Invent

Bridging Covid Online


By analysing diary and documentary evidence from practitioners across the global bridge community, this research aims to provide insights into the short and longer term impacts of Covid-19 on the bridge community around the world. All experiences are relevant and the researchers are keen to hear from players, teachers, club organisers and anyone connected to bridge. The project, led by Dr Miriam Snellgrove, began in 2020 and was completed in 2023.


BAMSA, University of Stirling

Journal Articles

Bridging Covid

Book Chapters

Bridging Covid

MacLean, J., Punch, S. and Xu, M. (2023) ‘Card Confessions: Digital forms of deviance in the mindsport bridge.’ In: Lamond, I. (ed.) Deviant Leisure and Events of Deviance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2022) ‘Bridge during a time of disruption: Pandemic playing, everyday habits and situated writing’, in Sharp, B., Finkel, R. and Dashper, K. (Eds) Leisure in the Pandemic: Re-imagining Interaction and Activity during Crisis, London: Routledge.

BAMSA Reports

Bridging Covid

Nethery, C. and Punch, S. (2023) The Missing Bridge Players of the Pandemic: Experiences of players who did not make the transition to online bridge, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling

Snellgrove, M., Punch, S and Rees, T. (2021) Using Digital Leisure to Tackle Social Isolation, Policy Briefing for the Scottish Government.


Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2020) Bridge in the Time of Covid-19: Emerging Findings, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling

Academic Blogs

Bridging Covid

Snellgrove, M. & Punch, S. (2022) Bridging the Gaps: Diaries and Digital Card Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Online] The Sociological Review Magazine. 6 September 2022.

Conference Papers

Bridging Covid

Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2021) ‘Digital Bridge during the Coronavirus Pandemic’, The Academy of Leisure Sciences Virtual Conference, 8-19 February 2021

BAMSA (2021) Impact of a Global Pandemic on Bridge, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 29 June 2021, University of Stirling.

BAMSA (2021) Digital Bridge and Cheating, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 29 June 2021, University of Stirling.

Maclean, J., Punch, S. and Xu, M. (2021) Card Confessions: Unravelling Digital Bridge during Lockdown, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 29 June 2021, University of Stirling.


Bridging Covid

Snellgrove, M.L. (2022) Diary Methods in the Social Sciences, Workshop on Diary Data: Scottish Graduate Summer School, 15 June 2022.

Additional Information

Bridging Covid

Call for participants:

BAMSA Recruitment Letter & Prompts.pdf

BAMSA Participant Information Sheet.pdf

Or email views on bridge and Covid-19 to [email protected]