Thanks to bridge enthusiast Jianping Zhu, Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis is now available in Chinese.
The wellbeing study was carried out by University of Stirling researchers in association with English Bridge Education and Development in 2016. Jianping has also translated into Chinese the practical summary of the first BAMSA paper to be published in an academic journal: ‘(Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community’, International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
Jianping has been voluntarily translating bridge articles into Chinese and freely sharing them on social media in China since 2016. He translates articles by a range of bridge experts including Andrew Robson and Larry Cohen, and his WeChat page has more than 4,000 followers. Jianping teaches bridge without charge and currently has 20 students.
Despite its large population, China has relatively few bridge players. Jianping told BAMSA, ‘The city where I live has a population of 690,000, less than 30 people play bridge, and most of them are over 50 years old. To promote bridge, I want to let people know what benefits it has.’
Chinese translations
McDonnell, D., Punch, S. and Small, C. (2017) ‘Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis’, Aylesbury: English Bridge Education & Development (EBED). Full report in Chinese
McDonnell, D. (20170 Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis: Summary report in Chinese
Punch, S., Russell, Z. and Cairns, B. (2020) ‘(Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community’, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Practical Summary in Chinese