Bridging Minds: Dynamics and Interactions of Elite Players

This project examines the views and behaviour of elite bridge players and the strategies they use at the table. Findings are drawn from in-depth interviews with 52 elite players from the USA, UK and Europe carried out between 2013 and 2019. The interviews covered a wide range of topics including the characteristics of the card game, partnership and team dynamics, challenges, motivations, barriers to participation, opportunities for skill development, professionalisation, gender and engagement across the lifecourse.
The majority of interviews were held between 2013 and 2017. From 2018 until 2020 the data was analysed for academic purposes. The research findings were published between 2020-2023. Research paper summaries, infographic posters and a SciPod video are used by bridge organisations, teachers and bridge clubs to promote bridge as a mindsport.
World Bridge Federation, John Matheson, Bernard Teltscher, English Bridge Education and Development, European Bridge League, American Contract Bridge League Educational Foundation, American Contract Bridge League, BAMSA
Bridging Minds
Punch, S. (2024) The Art of Becoming a Top Bridge Player, Toronto: Master Point Press
Punch, S. (2021) Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens, Toronto: Master Point Press
Journal Articles
Bridging Minds
McIntosh, I., Punch, S. and Tandy, C. (2024) Paying to Be at the Bridge Table: An Exploration of the Playing-Sponsor Experience in Mindsport, Sociological Research Online.
Scott, D.S. and Punch S. (2024) The Physicality of Mindsports Through Elite Bridge Players’ Sensorial Experiences: Presence, Confidence, and Bodies, The Sociological Review, 72(1): 194-212.
Punch, S. and Snellgrove, M. (2024) Bridging Time: Negotiating Serious Leisure in Intimate Couple Relationships, Annals of Leisure Research, 27(5): 624-644.
Punch, S. and Russell, Z. (2022) Playing with Emotions: Emotional Complexity in the Social World of Elite Tournament Bridge, Emotions and Society, 4(2): 238-256.
Russell, Z., Punch, S. and McIntosh, I. (2021) Blurring the Boundaries Between Leisure and Work: Professionals as Devotees in the Mind-Sport Bridge, International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 5: 13–32.
Punch, S., Russell, Z. and Graham, E. (2021) Serious Leisure Experience in a Dyadic Pursuit: Elite Player Motivations and Participation in Tournament Bridge, Leisure Studies, 41(1): 12-27.
Punch, S., Russell, Z. and Cairns, B. (2020) (Per)forming Identity in the Mindsport Bridge: Self, Partnership and Community, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56(6): 804-822.
- Theoretical summary
- Practical summary
- Practical summary (Chinese translation)
Punch, S. and Snellgrove, M.L. (2020) Playing your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge, Sociological Research Online, 26(3): 601–619.
- Practical summary
- Infographic poster: pdf format or png format
Poster with contacts EBL NBOs: pdf format or png formatPoster with contacts ACBL: pdf format or png format
Book Chapters
Bridging Minds
Punch, S. (2021) ‘Interview with Heather Dhondy’, Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens, Toronto: Master Point Press
Conference Papers
Bridging Minds
BAMSA (2021) Mindsports in Academia and Society, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 28 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Snellgrove, M.L., Graham, E. and Punch, S. (2019) ‘Playing your Life: Impression Management and Strategic Interaction in the Game of Bridge’, Leisure Studies Annual Conference, Abertay, 9-11 July 2019
Russell, Z. and Punch, S. (2019) ‘Temperament is Everything: Bridge Partnerships and Emotions’, Leisure Studies Annual Conference, Abertay, 9-11 July 2019
Punch, S. and Graham, E. (2018) ‘Elite Bridge Players’ Motivations to Participate in the Mindsport of Bridge’, 2nd academic conference on Recreational Activity and Bridge, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 5 December 2018
General Articles
Bridging Minds
Punch, S. and Scott, D. (2024) Green Baize Gladiators: Bridge as a Mindsport for All, Research Outreach, 139. DOI: 10.32907/RO-139-5856995053
Video: Is Bridge a Sport? Unveiling the rigor behind the game
Punch, S. (January 2019) ‘Interview with Roy Welland’, One of a Series of Bridge Encounters, ClaireBridge
Bridging Minds
Faculti (2023) Serious Leisure Experience in a Dyadic Pursuit [Online Video] 2 May 2023, Available at:
Bridging Minds
BAMSA (2023) Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport, Research Animation: SciPod
Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport, Research Animation Text
Research Animation Image: Bridge at the Table
Bridging Minds
A selection of the edited interview transcripts has been published by Master Point Press in the book Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens (2021)