International conference
Professor Martin Seligman is the keynote speaker at BAMSA’s virtual conference in June. All aspects of bridge (the good, [...]
Bridge at the Top
Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens will be launched at the BAMSA conference on 28 June. The book [...]
BAMSA website goes live
The BAMSA website is up and running after a development phase in early 2021. The costs of the [...]
BAMSA launches webinar series
BAMSA’s inaugural webinar focused on the work of Professor David Scott of Texas A&M University. [...]
‘Playing your life’
A second academic article generated by BAMSA has been published. The paper is titled ‘Playing your Life: Developing [...]
MindSport Officer appointed
Mindsport as an emerging academic discipline took a step forward in November 2020 with the appointment of the UK’s [...]
BAMSA supporter translates research into Chinese
Thanks to bridge enthusiast Jianping Zhu, Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis is now available in Chinese. The [...]
BAMSA paper is an academic milestone
National and international bridge organisations have warmly welcomed the first sociology of bridge paper to be published in a [...]