Welcome to BAMSA’s bridge learning hub.
Whether you’re a young person looking to master a new skill, a parent hoping to introduce your children to bridge, or a schoolteacher bringing the game to your classroom, we’ve assembled a collection of resources to guide you.
These materials have been developed and adapted from good practice in Norway and Denmark. Organised into weekly topics, BAMSA has translated Norwegian animations, printable lessons and exercises. Thanks to funding from the European Bridge League, the resources are completely free to use and share with others in your community. Enjoy your learning journey!
Training for Bridge Teaching Assistants
Bridge Taster Session
Before starting the ten beginner lessons, you might like to offer an initial introduction to bridge to gather interest in the lessons.
Hand Files for all ten beginner lessons:
pbn / bri / dup / hand sheets

Lesson 1
Learning basic concepts
Lesson 2
How trumps work. Finding an eight card fit
Lesson 3
Card Sequences
Leading from a sequence
Lesson 4
Decide the Number of Tricks
First steps in bidding
Lesson 5
Dummy and Declarer
How dummy and declarer interact
Lesson 6
Setting Up a Suit
Improving play technique
Lesson 7
Counting Trumps
Drawing trumps
Lesson 8
Cooperation in Defence
Signalling to partner
Lesson 9
The Bidding Box
Using the bidding box to display the contract
Lesson 10
Bonus Points for Bravery
The basic principles of scoring