Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) has a range of resources including academic articles and summaries, conference papers, workshop presentations, videos and other visuals. More resources are being generated and, over time, the resources will become toolkits for two different but potentially overlapping audiences:
- Practitioners: bridge organisations, players, teachers, local organisers
- Public: schools, teachers, parents, young people, universities, employers, policymakers
With the exception of the videos and photographs, the following resources originate from the BAMSA research projects. All BAMSA resources are free to download. Stakeholder presentations are listed on the Network page. If you share the resources please credit BAMSA and email [email protected] to let the researchers know how you have used the resources (or plan to use them).
Academic Resources
Bridging Minds
Punch, S. (2024) The Art of Becoming a Top Bridge Player, Toronto: Master Point Press
Punch, S. (2021) Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens, Toronto: Master Point Press
Journal Articles
Bridging Minds
McIntosh, I., Punch, S. and Tandy, C. (2024) Paying to Be at the Bridge Table: An Exploration of the Playing-Sponsor Experience in Mindsport, Sociological Research Online.
Scott, D.S. and Punch S. (2024) The Physicality of Mindsports Through Elite Bridge Players’ Sensorial Experiences: Presence, Confidence, and Bodies, The Sociological Review, 72(1): 194-212.
Punch, S. and Snellgrove, M. (2024) Bridging Time: Negotiating Serious Leisure in Intimate Couple Relationships, Annals of Leisure Research, 27(5): 624-644.
Punch, S. and Russell, Z. (2022) Playing with Emotions: Emotional Complexity in the Social World of Elite Tournament Bridge, Emotions and Society, 4(2): 238-256.
Russell, Z., Punch, S. and McIntosh, I. (2021) Blurring the Boundaries Between Leisure and Work: Professionals as Devotees in the Mind-Sport Bridge, International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 5: 13–32.
Punch, S., Russell, Z. and Graham, E. (2021) Serious Leisure Experience in a Dyadic Pursuit: Elite Player Motivations and Participation in Tournament Bridge, Leisure Studies, 41(1): 12-27.
Punch, S., Russell, Z. and Cairns, B. (2020) (Per)forming Identity in the Mindsport Bridge: Self, Partnership and Community, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56(6): 804-822.
- Theoretical summary
- Practical summary
- Practical summary (Chinese translation)
Punch, S. and Snellgrove, M.L. (2020) Playing your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge, Sociological Research Online, 26(3): 601–619.
- Practical summary
- Infographic poster: pdf format or png format
Poster with contacts EBL NBOs: pdf format or png formatPoster with contacts ACBL: pdf format or png format
Journal Articles
Bridging Gender
Punch, S., Snellgrove, M., Graham, E., McPherson, C. and Cleary, J. (2023) Bridging Brains: Exploring Neurosexism and Gendered Stereotypes in a Mindsport, Leisure/Loisir Journal.
- Practical summary
- Infographic Poster: pdf format or png format
Rogers, A., Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2022) Between Equality and Discrimination: The Paradox of the Women’s Game in the Mind-sport Bridge, World Leisure Journal, 64(4): 342-360.
Punch, S. and Rogers, A. (2021) Building, not Burning Bridges in Research: Insider/Outsider Dilemmas and Engaging with the Bridge Community, Journal of Leisure Research, 53(2): 272-289.
Journal Articles
Bridging Covid
Snellgrove, M. and Punch, S. (2024) Situating bridge: Understanding older adults’ digital leisure practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Leisure Research.
Snellgrove, M. and Punch, S. (2022) Negotiating Insider Research through Reactive Collaboration: Challenges, Issues and Failures, Qualitative Research Journal.
Journal Articles
Bridging the Gap
Judge, K. and Punch, S. (2019) ‘Lessons Learned from Bridge: A Sociological Exploration of the New University of Stirling Bridge Club’, Stirling International Journal of Postgraduate Research SPARK, Issue 5
Journal Articles
Bridging Sociology
Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2022) ‘Negotiating Insider Research through Reactive Collaboration: Challenges, Issues and Failures,’ Qualitative Research Journal
Book Chapters
Bridging Minds
Punch, S. (2021) ‘Interview with Heather Dhondy’, Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens, Toronto: Master Point Press
Book Chapters
Bridging Covid
MacLean, J., Punch, S. and Xu, M. (2023) ‘Card Confessions: Digital forms of deviance in the mindsport bridge.’ In: Lamond, I. (ed.) Deviant Leisure and Events of Deviance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2022) ‘Bridge during a time of disruption: Pandemic playing, everyday habits and situated writing’, in Sharp, B., Finkel, R. and Dashper, K. (Eds) Leisure in the Pandemic: Re-imagining Interaction and Activity during Crisis, London: Routledge.
Online Papers
Bridging Wellbeing
Galbraith, C., Punch, S. and Small, C. (2018) ‘Competition and Mental Exercise in a Mind Sport: Building Bridges of Fun and Friendship’, Aylesbury: English Bridge Education & Development (EBED)
McDonnell, D., Punch, S. and Small, C. (2017) ‘Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis’, Aylesbury: English Bridge Education & Development (EBED)
Ashworth, R., Punch, S. and Small, C. (2016) ‘A Review of Possible Interventions into Healthy Ageing and Cognitive Stimulation: Exploring the Links between Bridge and Dementia’, Aylesbury: English Bridge Education & Development (EBED)
Online Papers
Bridging Schools
Online Papers
Bridging Sociology
Maclean,J., Hay, G., Ballinger, C., Nicholson, E., Biriotti, M. and Punch, S. (2023) Bridging Insights: Developing a Marketing Strategy for Bridge, Bridge2Bridge, BAMSA and SHM Productions Report.
BAMSA Reports
Bridging Gender
BAMSA Reports
Bridging Covid
Nethery, C. and Punch, S. (2023) The Missing Bridge Players of the Pandemic: Experiences of players who did not make the transition to online bridge, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling
Snellgrove, M., Punch, S and Rees, T. (2021) Using Digital Leisure to Tackle Social Isolation, Policy Briefing for the Scottish Government.
Available: https://www.stir.ac.uk/
Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2020) Bridge in the Time of Covid-19: Emerging Findings, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling
BAMSA Reports
Bridging Organisations
McCutcheon, A, and Punch, S. (2024) A Sociological Study on Promoting the Mindsport Bridge, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling.
Toomey, C., Punch, S. and Morrison, P. (2023) Training, Support and Development: Perspectives of National Bridge Organisations (NBOs), BAMSA/SBU Report, Stirling: University of Stirling.
Punch, S. and Toomey, C. (2023) NPCs, Coaches and Development: Top Player Perspectives, BAMSA Report, Stirling: University of Stirling.
Punch, S., Toomey, C., Morrison, P., Goodman, A. and Ash, M. (2023) Training and Development: NBO Implications for Practice, BAMSA/SBU Executive Summary.
Morrison, P., Punch, S. and Toomey, C. (2023) Bridge Training and Development: Player Perspectives, BAMSA/SBU Report
Punch, S. and Toomey, C. (2023) Training, Support and Development in Bridge: England Case Study, BAMSA Report.
Snellgrove, M. L. & Punch, S. (2020) Challenges, Issues and Solutions facing National Bridge Organisations in Europe, BAMSA Report for the European Bridge League, Stirling: University of Stirling
Barnet, C. and Punch, S. (2021) Bridge Data Sources, BAMSA Working Paper, March 2021
BAMSA Reports
Bridging Schools
Milosheva, M. and Punch, S. (2025) The Landscape of Youth Bridge in Scotland: Requirements, barriers, and success strategies of school bridge implementation, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling.
Milosheva, M., Punch, S. and Harding, M. (2024) Norwegian Pupils’ Attitudes towards Bridge and Mindsport Education, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling.
Milosheva, M. and Punch, S. (2024) Youth Bridge in the UK: A scoping study of young people’s experiences of learning bridge and bridge teachers’ approaches to teaching bridge, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling.
Rushworth, M. (2024) Denmark Good Practice Guide: Teaching bridge to youth in schools and clubs, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling.
Academic Blogs
Bridging Covid
Snellgrove, M. & Punch, S. (2022) Bridging the Gaps: Diaries and Digital Card Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Online] The Sociological Review Magazine. 6 September 2022.
Academic Blogs
Bridging Sociology
Snellgrove, M.L. (2019) ‘Taking Bridge Seriously’, Discover Society
Punch, S. (2020) ‘Bridge: A MindSport for All’, Leisure Studies Association
Conference Papers
Bridging Minds
BAMSA (2021) Mindsports in Academia and Society, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 28 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Snellgrove, M.L., Graham, E. and Punch, S. (2019) ‘Playing your Life: Impression Management and Strategic Interaction in the Game of Bridge’, Leisure Studies Annual Conference, Abertay, 9-11 July 2019
Russell, Z. and Punch, S. (2019) ‘Temperament is Everything: Bridge Partnerships and Emotions’, Leisure Studies Annual Conference, Abertay, 9-11 July 2019
Punch, S. and Graham, E. (2018) ‘Elite Bridge Players’ Motivations to Participate in the Mindsport of Bridge’, 2nd academic conference on Recreational Activity and Bridge, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 5 December 2018
Conference Papers
Bridging Gender
Punch et al. (2024) Neurosexism and Mindsport, Chess Conference at Chess Olympiad, Budapest, 15-21 September 2024
BAMSA (2021) Gender, Sexism and Bridge, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 30 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Punch, S., Snellgrove, M.L., Graham, E. and McPherson, C. (2021) ‘Bridging Brains: Exploring Gendered Attitudes and Inequalities in a Mindsport’, The Academy of Leisure Sciences Virtual Conference, 8-19 February 2021
Graham, E. and Punch, S. (2016) ‘Why are Men More Successful at Bridge than Women?’ Centre for Research on Families and Relationships Conference, University of Edinburgh, 13 June
Graham, E. and Punch, S. (2016) ‘Intellectual Contests, Gender and Bridge’, Royal Geographical Society Geographers’ Annual Conference, London, 28-30 August 2016.
Conference Papers
Bridging Wellbeing
BAMSA (2021) Wellbeing and Bridge, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 28 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Punch, S. and Graham, E. (2019) ‘Enhanced Wellbeing, Healthy Ageing and Social Connection: Motivations for Playing Bridge in the Community’, Leisure Studies Annual Conference, Abertay, 9-11 July 2019
Punch, S., Small, C. and McDonnell, D. (2017) ‘Well-being, Social Participation and Bridge’, First academic bridge conference, Recreational Activity and Bridge in Older People’s Lives, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 20-21 April 2017
Conference Papers
Bridging Covid
Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2021) ‘Digital Bridge during the Coronavirus Pandemic’, The Academy of Leisure Sciences Virtual Conference, 8-19 February 2021
BAMSA (2021) Impact of a Global Pandemic on Bridge, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 29 June 2021, University of Stirling.
BAMSA (2021) Digital Bridge and Cheating, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 29 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Maclean, J., Punch, S. and Xu, M. (2021) Card Confessions: Unravelling Digital Bridge during Lockdown, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 29 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Conference Papers
Bridging the Gap
Punch, S. and Judge, K. (2019) ‘Bridging the Gap: An Exploration of Transitions in Play through the Lifecourse’, EBED Teacher’s Conference, Milton Keynes, England, 15 June 2019
Judge, K. and Punch, S. (2019) ‘Lessons Learned from Bridge Lessons: A Sociological Exploration of the New University of Stirling Bridge Club, Scotland’, Leisure Studies Association Conference, Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland, 9– 11 July 2019
Punch, S. and Judge, K. (2018) ‘Bridging the Gap: An Exploration of Transitions in Play Through the Lifecourse’, International Scientific Conference: Play and Lifelong Learning, Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun, Poland, 5 December 2018
Conference Papers
Bridging Schools
BAMSA (2021) School and Youth Bridge: Engaging and Retaining Learners, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 1 July 2021, University of Stirling.
BAMSA (2021) Gender, Age and Intergenerationality, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 30 June 2021, University of Stirling.
Conference Papers
Bridging Sociology
BAMSA (2021) Marketing Bridge, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 1 July 2021, University of Stirling.
Nicholson, E., Ballinger. C., Biriotti, M., Maclean, J. and Punch, S. (2021) Thinking Outside the ‘Bidding Box’: Marketing Bridge to New Players, 4th International Bridge Conference, Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice, 1 July 2021, University of Stirling.
Punch, S. and Snellgrove, M.L. (2019) ‘Keep Bridge Alive: Challenges and Opportunities’, Brain and Mind: Promoting Individual and Community Wellbeing International Conference, Catholic University of Croatia, Zagreb, 12 December 2019
General Articles
Bridging Minds
Punch, S. and Scott, D. (2024) Green Baize Gladiators: Bridge as a Mindsport for All, Research Outreach, 139. DOI: 10.32907/RO-139-5856995053
Video: Is Bridge a Sport? Unveiling the rigor behind the game
Punch, S. (January 2019) ‘Interview with Roy Welland’, One of a Series of Bridge Encounters, ClaireBridge
General Articles
Bridging Gender
General Articles
Bridging Organisations
Sensarma, J. (2022) Partnership Training at Top Level Bridge, Report for BAMSA, November 2022.
Adamson, A. and Cuthbertson, M. (2023) Scottish International Player Survey Analysis. SBU Report.
Morrison, P., Punch, S. and Rees, T. (2023) NBO International Bridge Development: Risks and Issues, BAMSA/SBU Report.
General Articles
Bridging Schools
Punch, S. and Milosheva, M. (2024) BAMSA Stakeholders, Open Access Government.
BAMSA (2024) Youth Advisory Groups: Co-creation of Research Project, BAMSA Partners: University of Stirling.
General Articles
Bridging Sociology
Bridging Minds
Faculti (2023) Serious Leisure Experience in a Dyadic Pursuit [Online Video] 2 May 2023, Available at: https://faculti.net/
Bridging Gender
Bridging Schools
BBC Radio Scotland interview with Prof Samantha Punch about the benefits of bridge for youth players
Bridging Sociology
Sorry Partner, Interview with Samantha Punch, 21 April 2022.
The Setting Trick, Interview with Samantha Punch by John McAllister, Episode 7, 19 November 2018
Bridging Minds
BAMSA (2023) Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport, Research Animation: SciPod
Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport, Research Animation Text
Research Animation Image: Bridge at the Table
Bridging Wellbeing
Word Clouds from the wellbeing survey data (created by Antoni Sieminski)
Bridging Sociology
Lecture Materials
Word Clouds
Based on Bridge Winners post asking players to describe bridge in three words
Bridging Minds
A selection of the edited interview transcripts has been published by Master Point Press in the book Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens (2021)
Bridging Wellbeing
The survey data is public and available via the University of Stirling’s data repository
Additional Information
Bridging Covid
Call for participants:
BAMSA Recruitment Letter & Prompts.pdf
BAMSA Participant Information Sheet.pdf
Or email views on bridge and Covid-19 to [email protected]
Additional Information
Bridging Schools
Bridge, Youth, and Mindsport Education – BAMSA Project Information
BAMSA Background and Credentials
Mindsport Education in Schools – Further Information for PhD Studentship
Additional Information
Bridging Sociology
Sociology of Mindsport as an Academic Field
The sociology of mindsport is a new and innovative area of research and teaching. While there is considerable research on chess and some on poker, there has been very little written across the social sciences on bridge. There is currently no university module that examines sociological concepts, theories and themes that facilitate an understanding of the complexities of mindsports, including their social roots and societal importance.
Given that mindsports are cultural and social practices that cannot be separated from social concerns in contemporary society, it is timely to introduce such a module to university teaching. It is important for students to investigate the meanings and motivations of participation in mindsports in relation to social and global divisions. By exploring the complexity of the social and cultural contexts of mindsport in relation to work, family and everyday life in contemporary society, the development of the sociology of mindsport will bring to light some of the major controversies and issues that confront leisure and sport studies today.
Sociology of bridge
The sociology of bridge is about understanding how the bridge world works: what motivates players, opportunities for skill development and the dynamics of the game. BAMSA projects are researching interactions and relationships within the mindsport, wellbeing, transferable life skills, health and social benefits, intergenerationality, youth participation, digital approaches and the growth and sustainability of the global bridge community. By carrying out research that highlights the benefits and skills that playing bridge provides, we can develop an evidence base from which to persuade governments, communities and schools to consider investing in introducing more bridge into primary and secondary schools, universities, workplaces and community centres.
In order to achieve this evidence base, the BAMSA research team is undertaking a sociological exploration of bridge including the social and non-technical aspects of the mindsport. The card game of bridge involves overlapping boundaries between work, leisure, gender studies, gerontology and mindsport. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws on literature from a variety of academic areas.
Each of the BAMSA studies will be supervised or led by Professor Punch, who has more than 20 years’ experience of undertaking research with families, children and young people, and who is an international bridge player in her own right. The global BAMSA network ensures the research is directly linked to the work of the European Bridge League (EBL), the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL), the South Pacific Bridge Federation and the World Bridge Federation (WBF).
Sociology of mindsport
The academic study of the sociology of mindsport explores sociological theories, debates and controversies regarding the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of leisure and sports studies. It enables a critical understanding of the connections between leisure, mindsport and sport which are considered alongside their relationship to work and family life.
Mindsports, such as chess and bridge, focus on cognitive aspects of play and competition, structured by rules and goals. An academic understanding of mindsport considers both professional and recreational levels undertaken during ‘free time’ or work time; chosen for pleasure, relaxation, employment or other emotional satisfaction. The growth of mindsports can bring families, local, national and international communities together via shared goals, with positive implications for healthy ageing and intergenerational socialisation.
Mindsports involve intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, while also reflecting power and status. They are socially constructed, relative to the social, political and economic conditions that exist in any given society at any given time.
As sociologists, BAMSA researchers explore the potential of mindsports to contribute positively to mental and physical health, wellbeing and social connection, and investigate their contribution to the formation of self and identity. They examine the barriers and opportunities regarding mindsport participation and the role of mindsport in relation to nationalism, the economy, health policy, globalisation, digitalisation, commodification and inequalities. They consider the place of mindsports within contemporary, globalised societies and analyse the extent to which they reflect social divisions in wider society.